Friday, May 15, 2009

Image Stepbrothers Mask Tax

One step forward, one step back

Perhaps what strikes since the beginning of this conflict: the printing
no longer know which foot dancing.
A step forward: yes, even smaller, because yesterday we got the
students who do not have to be paid in 2010-2011 M2 officials
as interns, which, believe me, is not negligible. Just compare
status they would have received in a competition forced
fund a year of study more, and get an M2, with the status of PE2 or PCL2.
One step back: under (behind) this breakthrough is a new balance between
time in classrooms and training time: the model 2 / 3 - 1 / 3, which replaces the
pattern 1 / 3 to 2 / 3 we know now
PE2 / PCL2 foreshadows, we can see, what will be the year after T1
mastering. Once again, under the guise of retreat, Darcos
advance towards "his" Mastering.

It is therefore necessary to continue fighting without us meet the
small step forward, and without to divide us know if this is a step forward or not
What else does he get? In addition to the projects Darcos PĂ©cresse, the maintenance in 2010-2011
training plans for the current IUFM
winners in 2010 competition. The watchword seems to me simple and unifying. Michel


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