Monday, May 11, 2009

Disney Princesses Light Up Canopy Bed To Buy New

V. Pécresse and X. Darcos ready to sell off the master's degree!

A curious proposal has been advanced: assign first year of Master (M1) to any student who is enrolled in a preparation for a competitive examination, even if it fails!
Such a decision may have serious consequences in the short term.
1. Mechanically, it will produce a loss of many masters, particularly in certain disciplines such as mathematics or humanities since enough to register in preparation for a contest to win an M1.
2. Mechanically, it will weaken even more so, the research sector in the medium universities that could thus tend to "specialize" in one teacher education at Masters and lose their graduate schools.
3. Mechanically, it will immediately visible and effective existence of a large contingent of "stuck-received" which will have their M1 without having passed the entrance examination for recruitment.

SLU News, May 10, 2009

See also "open letter IUFM Livry-Gargan"

andTHE link: humanity


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