Thursday, May 14, 2009

Breast Feeding Is Allow In Islam For Husband ?

Decline Darcos confirmed on post paid internship contest in September

Darcos has put the time but there is now. Receipts to support teacher recruitment in 2010 will be the following year, paid as probationers. And then regularized without needing to validate a master-2. It sells well in one of the demonstrators' demands, he announced today at a meeting of the Working Group on mastering with the unions. This morning, the unions had in common, said he asked this question.

This announcement does not, however, closes the file, since if a commission, known Marois / Filatre named after its co-chairmen, must make a report on the reform by July 15, the subject remains as bright points of view remain opposed to the training of teachers.
Reacting to the announcement, Snesup FSU welcomes this "decline of government obtained by the pressure of the struggle." But stresses that, if the year paid shall be forfeited, "the rest open the important question of its nature (time and attendance to students, time to complete the training). "

S. Huet, Sciences2, May 13, 2009


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