Monday, May 11, 2009

Haro on leftist university!

May 4, the door voice of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) Frederick Lefebvre castigated the "minority of overexcited who sacrificed for ideological reasons the future of youth." The same day, the editorialist of Le Figaro, Yves Thréard, explained to his readers that the French university "continues to dig his grave through the fault of a few madmen." In the aftermath, the socialist Francois Hollande rebuked "extreme left, which seeks, for reasons known to itself, to engage in a conflict that has lasted too long."

(...) But if we look closely , "progress" that will prevail minister and his family is more like a regression, that students from working class backgrounds may well be the first victims. Just to be convinced to browse a recent report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which welcomed the ongoing developments in the world of higher education and research of French and called " expand the autonomy of universities beyond what was achieved in 2007, especially for budget management, recruitment and staff remuneration. (...) New measures are needed to encourage private funding of universities, including greater use of fees, this measure is doubling of student loans based on future revenue (2)
Its effects are known, including the United States: it is the widening inequalities between schools. On the one hand, education and research and support teams, funded by private institutions and high fees for students solvent, from the national bourgeoisie and that of emerging countries to the other, " senior colleges' responsibility to absorb the effects of raising the general level school should try to exceed the expectations always changing and often contradictory in recruitment of local businesses.
In this ideological context, teachers, researchers, administrative staff and students can spend mobilized for leftists to the government, journalists who support and even Mr. Holland. The defense of a public teaching and research quality does indeed seem so preposterous that it is almost revolutionary.
Laurent Bonelli, Le Monde Diplomatique, May 8, 2009


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