Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Buoyancy Of The Helium-filled Latex

call defense

Following the intervention of Ms Pécresse regarding scholarship students, our friend Emmanuel expressed his feelings to newspapers. I'll let you judge, it's very good ...

Hello, looking at the various media on student movements, I am affected by the highlighting emotional scholarship students.
Is this a new way to break the fight relayed by the media?
Scholarship students have never been under fire all the flash, the camera lights. The Studentenwerk is it becoming the new Cannes? Student
stock since the beginning of my studies, I wonder.
Where were the media, university presidents, the government when we only had nine months of year-over purse while the academic year has ten months?
Where are the media, university presidents, the government when we stay in rooms of 9m ², most unhealthy, where working conditions are precarious?
Where are the media, university presidents, government housing when academics are not sufficiently numerous and that the scholarships do not follow price increases?
And finally, where will the media, university leaders and the government when the law on the freedoms and responsibilities of universities have infested the universities of France in transforming the scholarship student in an endangered species?
the answers to these questions are defined in two words: NOWHERE
Now is not that we must look to scholarship students but throughout the year. The renewed popularity should help you for your interest, media and readers, the lives of these students instead of the symbol as the losers in the current struggle.

Emmanuel, a student at Poitiers
Published in the New Republic of Thursday, May 21, 2009


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