Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Buoyancy Of The Helium-filled Latex

call defense

Following the intervention of Ms Pécresse regarding scholarship students, our friend Emmanuel expressed his feelings to newspapers. I'll let you judge, it's very good ...

Hello, looking at the various media on student movements, I am affected by the highlighting emotional scholarship students.
Is this a new way to break the fight relayed by the media?
Scholarship students have never been under fire all the flash, the camera lights. The Studentenwerk is it becoming the new Cannes? Student
stock since the beginning of my studies, I wonder.
Where were the media, university presidents, the government when we only had nine months of year-over purse while the academic year has ten months?
Where are the media, university presidents, the government when we stay in rooms of 9m ², most unhealthy, where working conditions are precarious?
Where are the media, university presidents, government housing when academics are not sufficiently numerous and that the scholarships do not follow price increases?
And finally, where will the media, university leaders and the government when the law on the freedoms and responsibilities of universities have infested the universities of France in transforming the scholarship student in an endangered species?
the answers to these questions are defined in two words: NOWHERE
Now is not that we must look to scholarship students but throughout the year. The renewed popularity should help you for your interest, media and readers, the lives of these students instead of the symbol as the losers in the current struggle.

Emmanuel, a student at Poitiers
Published in the New Republic of Thursday, May 21, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Image Stepbrothers Mask Tax

One step forward, one step back

Perhaps what strikes since the beginning of this conflict: the printing
no longer know which foot dancing.
A step forward: yes, even smaller, because yesterday we got the
students who do not have to be paid in 2010-2011 M2 officials
as interns, which, believe me, is not negligible. Just compare
status they would have received in a competition forced
fund a year of study more, and get an M2, with the status of PE2 or PCL2.
One step back: under (behind) this breakthrough is a new balance between
time in classrooms and training time: the model 2 / 3 - 1 / 3, which replaces the
pattern 1 / 3 to 2 / 3 we know now
PE2 / PCL2 foreshadows, we can see, what will be the year after T1
mastering. Once again, under the guise of retreat, Darcos
advance towards "his" Mastering.

It is therefore necessary to continue fighting without us meet the
small step forward, and without to divide us know if this is a step forward or not
What else does he get? In addition to the projects Darcos Pécresse, the maintenance in 2010-2011
training plans for the current IUFM
winners in 2010 competition. The watchword seems to me simple and unifying. Michel

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Breast Feeding Is Allow In Islam For Husband ?

Decline Darcos confirmed on post paid internship contest in September

Darcos has put the time but there is now. Receipts to support teacher recruitment in 2010 will be the following year, paid as probationers. And then regularized without needing to validate a master-2. It sells well in one of the demonstrators' demands, he announced today at a meeting of the Working Group on mastering with the unions. This morning, the unions had in common, said he asked this question.

This announcement does not, however, closes the file, since if a commission, known Marois / Filatre named after its co-chairmen, must make a report on the reform by July 15, the subject remains as bright points of view remain opposed to the training of teachers.
Reacting to the announcement, Snesup FSU welcomes this "decline of government obtained by the pressure of the struggle." But stresses that, if the year paid shall be forfeited, "the rest open the important question of its nature (time and attendance to students, time to complete the training). "

S. Huet, Sciences2, May 13, 2009

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university presidents are calling the Head of State

Mr. President,

If we allow ourselves to speak to you now is that the situation in universities is serious.

Regardless of how you present things, both officially and in the media, confusion reigns: you are told both that nothing happens to considerable and that everything is in order, and at the same time as the year may be lost to unrest and disorder intolerable. This is a table for less adversarial.

The reality is certainly mixed. But in some institutions and in some fields, it is not certain that examinations can be held in proper conditions or even just stand. And the solution of the gap at the beginning of summer no more tipping in September does not constitute any solution to this problem. There is real risk of non-validation of the semester, so this year, which is also disastrous for students unmanageable for our government - except to let the universities concerned may invent as part of their autonomy, ways of solving the problem of independent checks strictly bureaucratic guardianship: in exceptional circumstances, extraordinary measures.

What is the mood of the players of the university community? It can be presented in two ways. One of them, you've probably seen the beginning of the crisis, the opposition and anger almost unanimously stakeholders (learned societies, professional decision-making bodies of higher education, structures academic unions of all stripes ...) vis-à-vis the two major projects that your departments have opened: the reform of the statutes of academics and the whole system of training and recruitment of teachers and schools high schools and colleges. Such a union had never been seen.

The second aspect is more lasting and bearing tension. As the first point of treatment remains unclear, an impression remains widespread and tenacious willingness to systematically further ministerial review of the academic community. To speak clearly, many have lost confidence.

Yet all the reasons have been widely, clearly and publicly explained that lead to see in action a series of reforms with little positive impact, even aggravating, conducted in haste and without proper consultation with an academic community accustomed to collegiality in decision-making and encouraged for years in the idea and practice it must invest in government higher education and research.

wisdom is obviously to decide on a moratorium in order to foster a real reflection, and collective, on this issue which spills out into academia, and touches, precisely because we are a democracy, all children of all families in the country.

Now what do we see? There is no moratorium or suspension - but a series of measures, indications, commissions, projects, announcements, leading to approve arrangements confusing, difficult to read and generally harmful. Hence a general feeling of bitterness, anger, resentment, even despair, which leads to a mixture of dismay and radicalization of the risk behaviors increasingly uncontrollable. It is a miracle that we have so far limited its spread.

What will happen when we shall be led to consider that as a result of the obstinacy of a ministerial or overly fussy approach to the guardianship authority, thousands of students could lose their year? The current approach generates, in the midst of culture, research and teaching, highly contested and derided these days, a deep malaise, durable, and long-term effects, very unlikely given the attractiveness our education and our research.

Therefore, quick gestures calming strong, radical and clear, that only you, Mr. President, can perform brilliantly and wisely. Is the confidence expressed in this way our deep respect.

Binczak By Pascal, president of the University Vincennes-Saint-Denis (Paris VIII), Lise
Dumasy, president of the University Stendhal (Grenoble III), Anne
Fraïsse, president of the University Paul Valery (Montpellier III), Bernadette
Madeuf, president of the University Paris-Ouest (Paris X),
George Molina, president of the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
and Philippe Rollet, president of the University of Lille-I, Science and technologies.président University Vincennes-Saint-Denis (Paris VIII), Lise
Dumasy, president of the University Stendhal (Grenoble III)
Fraïsse Anne, president of the University Paul Valery (Montpellier III), Bernadette
Madeuf, president of the University Paris-Ouest (Paris X),
George Molina, president of the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris -IV)

Le Monde, May 13, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Disney Princesses Light Up Canopy Bed To Buy New

V. Pécresse and X. Darcos ready to sell off the master's degree!

A curious proposal has been advanced: assign first year of Master (M1) to any student who is enrolled in a preparation for a competitive examination, even if it fails!
Such a decision may have serious consequences in the short term.
1. Mechanically, it will produce a loss of many masters, particularly in certain disciplines such as mathematics or humanities since enough to register in preparation for a contest to win an M1.
2. Mechanically, it will weaken even more so, the research sector in the medium universities that could thus tend to "specialize" in one teacher education at Masters and lose their graduate schools.
3. Mechanically, it will immediately visible and effective existence of a large contingent of "stuck-received" which will have their M1 without having passed the entrance examination for recruitment.

SLU News, May 10, 2009

See also "open letter IUFM Livry-Gargan"

andTHE link: humanity


Haro on leftist university!

May 4, the door voice of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) Frederick Lefebvre castigated the "minority of overexcited who sacrificed for ideological reasons the future of youth." The same day, the editorialist of Le Figaro, Yves Thréard, explained to his readers that the French university "continues to dig his grave through the fault of a few madmen." In the aftermath, the socialist Francois Hollande rebuked "extreme left, which seeks, for reasons known to itself, to engage in a conflict that has lasted too long."

(...) But if we look closely , "progress" that will prevail minister and his family is more like a regression, that students from working class backgrounds may well be the first victims. Just to be convinced to browse a recent report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which welcomed the ongoing developments in the world of higher education and research of French and called " expand the autonomy of universities beyond what was achieved in 2007, especially for budget management, recruitment and staff remuneration. (...) New measures are needed to encourage private funding of universities, including greater use of fees, this measure is doubling of student loans based on future revenue (2)
Its effects are known, including the United States: it is the widening inequalities between schools. On the one hand, education and research and support teams, funded by private institutions and high fees for students solvent, from the national bourgeoisie and that of emerging countries to the other, " senior colleges' responsibility to absorb the effects of raising the general level school should try to exceed the expectations always changing and often contradictory in recruitment of local businesses.
In this ideological context, teachers, researchers, administrative staff and students can spend mobilized for leftists to the government, journalists who support and even Mr. Holland. The defense of a public teaching and research quality does indeed seem so preposterous that it is almost revolutionary.
Laurent Bonelli, Le Monde Diplomatique, May 8, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fell On My Knee And Swollen

Update Bologna

The decrees signed in secret between France and The Vatican on 18/12/2008 just fallen "mutual recognition of diplomas of higher education issued under the authority of either party." So "recognition" for the bachelor and master. (Application of Bologna process )

The case of state monopoly on diplomas since 1880 but also the spirit of Article 2 of the Law of separation of Church and State de1905. The government is doing everything to encourage parents to choose private education: the dismantling of the school map, fewer teachers in the audience ... The plan is to suburbs dry but it scrapes the bottom of the barrel to fund the opening of 50 private classes in Catholic neighborhoods. A great John Paul II High School is on track and a college run by Opus Dei is already under contract. The state announced

want to delete the IUFM sell out their competition and replace training by a master that could prepare any private institution. As, in addition to issuing the degree, the Vatican may open for future ensegnants Masters.

1905 A committee is to complain to the State Council. If he does not succeed, the priest will have a free hand to regain control of the teacher.

Caroline Fourest



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Press review

coordination laboratories fight calls all laboratories to join the following actions:

- 14/05: National Higher Education demonstration and research

- 26/05: National demonstration unit.

Valerie Pécresse calls for wage restraint for scholars who hold student grades.

Francois Fillon has condemned the "minority" of students that blocks some universities, and assured that the government would "restore order" where the Presidents of the University require.

Act a member of l4UMP "penalty of 1000 euros" fine against any student or anyone outside the university that "obstruction or partial access to the teachings and buildings. "

Confrontation between students and security forces at Caen.

Toulon: The President warned that he would seek the intervention of law enforcement.