Saturday, July 24, 2010

White Periods In Ladies


few years ago it was the first to tone and defend the possibility of elections for the true power and the best alternative in DR Congo, fighting, insulted and threatened, has determined he managed to convince many of today Congolese Patriots understand and adopt this path. but as is customary in the community, it takes things without finding out the merits or consult the designer for more details, this is the concern that AUGUSTIN Mukamba the man in the city, the 3rd Force was keen to point to explain to all people by Internet issues and especially its online of choice for the elections.
for the latter, elections are a long process from the design of the electoral law juice only vote so the filing of little note in the box, very often people are led to believe that the election is propaganda and vote when the real work and the election is upstream on this Mukamba is pleased to see that many people have subscribe to the idea but he appealed for a return to the source so that the idea makes its way juice at the end of the tunnel successfully.
return or consultation to source is that the prerequisites exist and should be discussed before embarking on the process, purpose and necessity of these prerequisites are to correct the failures of past elections, give confidence to people and legitimize the election results, to achieve it is to clarify several points already on the electoral law, the composition of the bureau, census, security, logistical, the conditions of participation .... all these elements must be discussed not only by the current regime but with all the great forces of the nation represented.
another fear is that of seeing the manifestation of many proclaimed as a few years back it was radio silence, the question is whether this is really real candidate or satellite parties that infiltrate? several issues that deserve study municieusement.


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