Friday, July 2, 2010

Thick White Chunky Cervical Mucus

DRCONGO, 30.JUIN.1960 - 30.JUIN.2010 Mukamba SPEAKS OUT THIS

50 years ago to the day the Democratic Congo was proclaimed an independent state.
talk of independence is self care and that in all areas below this does, demonstrating the ability to perform, to innovate and stay on the page, here several facts implied by the independence.

the Congo today if we place it on a scale to compare the Congo from 1960 to that of 2010 what would be the result?

From analysis and position of Chairman of the third force Mr. Augustine Mukamba Congo has lost all dignity to the pride, to honor and respect, thank you God, unfortunately one thing that is stay and who could be saved only through art and that of some branches (music, comedy, hinge, sculpture, choreography, etc ...) that it should be noted have made and continue to do on their and even their own efforts, that vision must change as we recognize this as the only receipt of this fiftieth anniversary, hence the recommendation the third to the Congolese nation in recognition of these advocates and defenders of the country's image in their fields.

great start for this second half-century must have as its basis the return to basic values that constitute the congolité, among which the Congolese culture, our morals, our customs etc. ...
good reference models in history after reviewing the past, without passion or feeling, a model of President Joseph Kasavubu-long set aside the prophet SIMON Kimbangu and many others ...
we honor all those who perished for the battle of respect and defense of our values
all on these video clips.



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