Saturday, July 10, 2010

Black Dress With Panty House


topic angry, passionate, mobilizes see discourage the masses, and the desperate, those in power, aspiring citizens short in almost everyone's lips about one Congolese liberation.
when and how?
certainly several designs, multiple calculations, several methods and several project. few years ago claimed the Zairian aloud by a mass movement led by UDPS and L UNION SACRED democracy, that is the 24. avril.1990 Marshal Mobutu proclaimed the establishment of democracy in its own way, a democracy pluralistic first three political parties and a multiparty system. some observations. a people and an elite unprepared conclusion that a longer transition presidency, which ended with a military fight scene undemocratic desired.

now facing the destruction of the socio political and economic fabric of the country led by a new application diaspora congolasise release.
common will, common wish but several readings and several design that divides and weakens wishes.
for some release and the militarization of the country, in the manhunt, changing faces, changing attitudes, changing diets, presidential election, local election ... etc.

Mukamba Augustine draws the line saying the power of the nation this day and this century is in the economic world, saying that he who owns and controls the economy is the one who has the key, the farther it is to say the true liberation is the control of the national economy by the indigenous, because life is based on national economic spin-offs of a country depends on the social economy and politics, or politics at the expense of our day economy. aspirants and movement leaders who really want to talk about liberation must begin by studying the ways and means of control, recovery and be active on the scene economy.
it is true that this is not the sine qua non but one of the conditions necessary to achieve the final goal. popular support is not conditioned only by the best speech, but rather by the acts and these acts are not acts of violence and terrorism but acts favorable to social expectations of the people.
wonder about the price paid today for Congolese Liberation, between the lies and scams of both financial and vision, it is time for these people is to teach and reveal truths release.



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