Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reading Jthm Online Free


On 25.03.2009, the Congolese political scene in shock and not least, it serves to debunk a heavyweight political Kabila in the person of Vital Kamerhe, who leaves the perch of the lower house of parliament, fought by his own.

For the leader of the 3rd Force namely Mukamba Augustine man of small people, and Man of the majority opinion, this resignation is a strong signal that announces a lot of things including the beginning of the end of the regime because it is one of the architects of that power. As they say the signs are unmistakable, after Gizenga Kisempia, and now Kamerhe who is next? Gizenga has information that symbolize the government, army and Kisempia Kamerhe Kengo parliament remains for the Senate and the Kabila Chair, curiously all these personalities power players leave for Kabila's almost the same cause, the big question is who said true?

Add to this the study of several scenario, this is a way for Kabila to expand its platform with a second Current Kamerhe, the negotiations on forming a national unity government to escape due 2011 has all these elements are taken into account.
A message for the Congolese it is prudence, caution objective light on any promise made starting with the state of location, for what and how to brake, socio-economic, the functioning of institutions and so on. ... As promised

and plot our course of action in the video below some explanations are given relative from Kamerhe.
In this departure is an unfortunate fact of how representatives of the people of a certain political tendency confuse their mandate, forgetting people's expectations in favor of the defense of a certain ideology, there also questioned the functioning and accountability of the state function.

Our representatives are elected to defend their leaders or to represent and defend our realities?

More details in the video.



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