Sunday, March 22, 2009

How To Get Sponsored Track


While the Congolese political class seems to be concerned with running and management of power, the true motives of power are not on the lips see the concern of the aspirants. on this, we can conclude that the claim that one day represent a portion of the people see all the people should have a fair idea of what the people saw his power to guide and action., specify that it is to give a better everyday people by implementing a good management policy to better economic consequences.

Speaking of the branch that we challenges to date has to know the culture and art, the first impression is the fact that artists in this country are that using a time and for any short-term selfish ends, and the other side Congolese authorities do not give s vision to make our culture a part of our identity.

we may well see that demonstrate how art has lost place in the national alignment, how artists not only end badly but are artist's halftime.

dramatic situations that succeeds in the great family of artistic DRCONGO proves it.

to stand out AUGUSTINE MIUKAMBA here who thinks otherwise and has a solution.

knowing that the DRC has a ministry of culture and art, and also other institutions established for the management and promotion of culture and art of entering games Mukamba adds to think actors So artists, hence the idea of establishing a credit bank of Arts, the latter will be missions

- identifying

artists - professional

- advice

-collection copyright

-promoting culture and art

- supports artists

retain only the establishment of this institution requires the dissolution of the SONECA is changing the status of this unit in order to save our art and culture but also to ensure a future for our artists in most cases end badly.

for more elements invite us to follow the video



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