Monday, March 30, 2009

Cineplex Prices Afternoons

A reprieve for the teacher training institutes.

"Friday, March 27, Teacher: maintaining registrations in 2009-2010 IUFM Students who intend to prepare input from teachers in 2009-2010 will register for this first year IUFM , as now, FSU announced after a meeting at the Ministry of Education with Xavier Darcos and Valerie Pecresse.
In addition, this first year will be IUFM an equivalent Master 1 (M1) "
The Department shows he finally signs of openness?
However this decline n includes e NO warranty as to the reform of 2011. The ministers, if they had less than two weeks a reprieve to IUFM , have promised nothing in their maintenance as part of the reform. reform which the unions have got that the opening of negotiations ; negotiations to be closed soon if the mobilization will stop today.
"For 2011," when shall apply throughout this reform of teacher education, "it listed the points on which we would be able to negotiate. Somehow This list is a form of overhaul of the device as it was intended, "said Aschieri ( general secretary of the FSU). "

The dispatch is available here


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