Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tiffany Anderson Measurements

The National Coordination of Teacher Education reacts

face of 'new setbacks "Xavier Darcos, the NCSF stresses that" the Government actually seeks to initiate an irreversible process of reform of teacher training from September 2009.


Accordingly, it remains imperative to refuse to hand models and where possible participate in the "auction models" everywhere in France April 1 or the cook at the local fashion (Model marinated, brandade models, Stuffed models Poitevin ...).


Yogurt Used In Mcdonald's Parfait

Meeting with parents mobilized

Last night Ligugé, a delegation from the IUFM (trainer, trainee, BIATOSS a) met a group of Associations of Parents of School near Poitiers (Bouloux The unicorn, Condorcet, Bignoux, Nouaillé Ligugé, Smarves, Archigny, Iteuil, Micromegas, POUZIOUX The Jarry) accompanied by two representatives of RASED . An exchange was committed around the reforms of the public service including education, training Teachers ... Parents have expressed the need to be accurately informed in order to convince other parents of current issues regressive measures.

The exchanges have to realize that these attacks are not confined to the field of primary school, but the result of a global logic of questioning the very notion of public service from kindergarten to university.

The invitation was extended for further discussion on the occasion of The Night of Education 2nd edition April 9 at the IUFM Poitiers.

A Mole On Your Breast

7th week of occupancy

took place yesterday at the IUFM Poitiers 7th AG decision prolonging the occupation of the site and blocking course PE2/PLC2/Formation Continue to the 7th week.
To overcome the obvious consequences of lack of training for the 2nd stage massaged, it was decided to set up support workshops in the coming week to prepare this stag e.
It was also decided to attend the rally planned for the coming Châtellerault N. Sarkozy on Tuesday and participation in the round of obstinate organized by the movement Poitevin.
Results vote:
For the total occupation: 79
For partial occupancy: 14
Against: 29
Absent: 4
Blank: 9
Votes: 135

What Is Central Maxima

Catholic education already offers its Masters

As the battle against the rise of university teacher education masters raging Catholic education already offers online 7 Masters "specific" for the training of teachers.
"Catholic universities," reads the Site 'Becoming a teacher "," all have opted for this second formula. This interdisciplinary Masters "business of education and training" to prepare contest school teachers, college and high school but also in other branches of education. "Seven Masters multidisciplinary" careers in teaching, education and training "will launch in September 2009. These are degrees of state. They are offered by these universities, in partnership with training centers Catholic teaching. "

While shields stood in all the universities, who would have thought that the government would find its best support in the Church ?
Teachers of the Republic, which guarantees the SECULARISM , who will be trained in the Catholic university? ! That's the kind of abuses that removing IUFM develop ...

Preview coffee teaching espresso of March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cineplex Prices Afternoons

A reprieve for the teacher training institutes.

"Friday, March 27, Teacher: maintaining registrations in 2009-2010 IUFM Students who intend to prepare input from teachers in 2009-2010 will register for this first year IUFM , as now, FSU announced after a meeting at the Ministry of Education with Xavier Darcos and Valerie Pecresse.
In addition, this first year will be IUFM an equivalent Master 1 (M1) "
The Department shows he finally signs of openness?
However this decline n includes e NO warranty as to the reform of 2011. The ministers, if they had less than two weeks a reprieve to IUFM , have promised nothing in their maintenance as part of the reform. reform which the unions have got that the opening of negotiations ; negotiations to be closed soon if the mobilization will stop today.
"For 2011," when shall apply throughout this reform of teacher education, "it listed the points on which we would be able to negotiate. Somehow This list is a form of overhaul of the device as it was intended, "said Aschieri ( general secretary of the FSU). "

The dispatch is available here

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reading Jthm Online Free


On 25.03.2009, the Congolese political scene in shock and not least, it serves to debunk a heavyweight political Kabila in the person of Vital Kamerhe, who leaves the perch of the lower house of parliament, fought by his own.

For the leader of the 3rd Force namely Mukamba Augustine man of small people, and Man of the majority opinion, this resignation is a strong signal that announces a lot of things including the beginning of the end of the regime because it is one of the architects of that power. As they say the signs are unmistakable, after Gizenga Kisempia, and now Kamerhe who is next? Gizenga has information that symbolize the government, army and Kisempia Kamerhe Kengo parliament remains for the Senate and the Kabila Chair, curiously all these personalities power players leave for Kabila's almost the same cause, the big question is who said true?

Add to this the study of several scenario, this is a way for Kabila to expand its platform with a second Current Kamerhe, the negotiations on forming a national unity government to escape due 2011 has all these elements are taken into account.
A message for the Congolese it is prudence, caution objective light on any promise made starting with the state of location, for what and how to brake, socio-economic, the functioning of institutions and so on. ... As promised

and plot our course of action in the video below some explanations are given relative from Kamerhe.
In this departure is an unfortunate fact of how representatives of the people of a certain political tendency confuse their mandate, forgetting people's expectations in favor of the defense of a certain ideology, there also questioned the functioning and accountability of the state function.

Our representatives are elected to defend their leaders or to represent and defend our realities?

More details in the video.



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eyeclops Mini Projector Batteries

IUFM vs. DARCOS: the tide is turning ...

Chained Duck Preview March 25.

Glycerin Soap Acne Clog

Success for the night of Education! The remake »

Tuesday, March 24, took place the night Education to IUFM Poitiers occupied since February 5. 200 participants from all levels of education, special education (RASED) unions (1st, 2nd degree, higher education), educational associations (CEMEA), parents and users IUFM (trainers, BIATOSS, students, interns).
The Assembly has made an inventory of issues and struggles for education sector and concluded that the need for convergence for the future of the School and the immediate future of the hum. The idea of u not comprehensive response to the attack's overall public service has become . Proposals have been made to construct a rapid expansion of the action. Appointment was made for other nights of mobile isatis it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Can Mice Chew A Plastic Bucket?


The CDIUFM in its press release dated March 23 again calls ministers to push for reform. She asked the maintenance of competition and training in their current forms for additional one year .
"It is then very simple (through the strengthening of the research dimension of the memory of a second year) to issue the diploma or master's degree to those who pass this difficult course and particularly selective."
(The statement is read here.)
What will happen to training and competition after this year?
Who will be invited to prepare the new training and new competition?

Win a year would be a victory in the short term only. The conditions for a deferral must include guarantees on the quality of training will be given later. As the maintenance of a year of PE2 with the status of trainee teacher employee.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How To Get Sponsored Track


While the Congolese political class seems to be concerned with running and management of power, the true motives of power are not on the lips see the concern of the aspirants. on this, we can conclude that the claim that one day represent a portion of the people see all the people should have a fair idea of what the people saw his power to guide and action., specify that it is to give a better everyday people by implementing a good management policy to better economic consequences.

Speaking of the branch that we challenges to date has to know the culture and art, the first impression is the fact that artists in this country are that using a time and for any short-term selfish ends, and the other side Congolese authorities do not give s vision to make our culture a part of our identity.

we may well see that demonstrate how art has lost place in the national alignment, how artists not only end badly but are artist's halftime.

dramatic situations that succeeds in the great family of artistic DRCONGO proves it.

to stand out AUGUSTINE MIUKAMBA here who thinks otherwise and has a solution.

knowing that the DRC has a ministry of culture and art, and also other institutions established for the management and promotion of culture and art of entering games Mukamba adds to think actors So artists, hence the idea of establishing a credit bank of Arts, the latter will be missions

- identifying

artists - professional

- advice

-collection copyright

-promoting culture and art

- supports artists

retain only the establishment of this institution requires the dissolution of the SONECA is changing the status of this unit in order to save our art and culture but also to ensure a future for our artists in most cases end badly.

for more elements invite us to follow the video



Saturday, March 21, 2009

Burton Impact Gloves .ca


media evoke a bit faster the postponement of the reform, the minister's comments suggest he is not.

Reacting to the letter sent March 20 to all unions, the National Coordination of Universities "found that by this travesty of the Department decline continues and continues to show his contempt for all personnel education mobilized against the reform called "Mastering the competition". "

Point 8 / letter of registration to contest the 2010 session was that, except Candidates already in the tests in 2009, it will be a master, be included in M2, M1 or be registered in September 2009. Under these conditions, the Masters teaching should be in place by September 2009.
So there is no progress due to a delay as we can already hear the vice-presidency of the University of Poitiers (Central Press, 21/03/2009): Xavier Darcos imposes its reform . The letter

Can Larazapan Be Taken With Trazadone

IUFM by night

Tuesday, March 24, we propose a time for sharing and exchange around in the news the world of education.
Many speakers of all backgrounds will participate. Debates but also festive time with an aperitif and a lively dance party!

Come to the IUFM!