Saturday, October 27, 2007

Signals To Let Other Gay Men You Are Cruising

Exercise effects bail

I tried to make a small case study on the effects of bond for practice. On examination it will be a comment or a practical case, where the interest of this little exercise. My fiance

B. and myself, we surety brought to 1500 euros (principal and accessory) a loan of 1000 euros granted by his mother to his girlfriend Gilda. The loan enabled him to develop the activity of its stock in trade. It turns out that my beautiful mother discovered that she had a relationship with my dear future husband and she did not respectéson commitment. Knowing nothing, I paid the debt as Gilda has demanded repayment of the loan. What should I do? My marriage plans fell into the water! In revenge I wish to return against B but I hesitate to make an appeal against beautiful mom because I like it a lot you know!


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