Wednesday, October 24, 2007

24-7 Hot Line How Much Does It Cost To Provide


Of Comments arrest compared to td 4 and 5 in securities law is to be done. After that many questions have been trained on the methodology of this exercise. Here is a summary of the method which I hope will help you. Compared to the commentary is an exercise stops very close to the classical case comment. The method of case comment must be followed strictly so for each stop. We must analyze the decision with questions that are in the form of methodology case comment.

Exercise has the effect of a comparative study of two (sometimes more) decisions for their comment.
This type of exercise brings together the decisions that relate to each other: they operate, in principle, about the same issue right.
Generally, three scenarios are possible:
  • first scenario: Both decisions provide a similar answer to the question of law raised before PWAs must comment, explaining the meaning of decisions, check the importance and scope of the solution posed. Is it a well-established case law? Is this the rallying of a court or the formation of a court case law of another? (Judges from the bottom and the Court of Cassation, two divisions of the Court of Cassation ?...)
  • second scenario: Both oppose decisions about the same issue droit.Le comment must trace the reasons for such opposition and scope of each solution in the field. Is this a repeated opposition, a new opposition? Are there other decisions confirming any solutions? One of the decisions she is an isolated case? The decisions they spend does opposing doctrinal views?
  • third scenario: The two decisions build on the same issue droit.Le comment must verify the contribution of each decision regarding the rule of law applied and explain the meaning and scope of this rule with regard to two decisions.

In all scenarios, this exercise assumes that the aspect of comparative commentary is present throughout the developments and that, upon introduction. It is, in any case, a separate part in the study of each decision but to take all the common issues on which the two decisions are confirmed, oppose or complètent.Ainsi, the sentence introduction should indicate the common area which involves both decisions.

should not a summary of all the facts of the arrest. It is recommended that sheets off synthesize each stop. Do not be afraid that your introduction is too long, it's the method!

PS: if the items you seems insufficient, you can add other points in your comments!


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