Saturday, November 6, 2010

Press On Belly Button Tip Of Penis


Some political analysis made for some time by the observer of Congolese politics, taking account of developments and issues of the day, giving incumbent President Joseph Kabila of the DRC at shoulder to shoulder with the president of the third force and Bana spokesman quoted in the first all presidential elections, if it was yours in this time.
It should be noted that this is merely estimates for what is visible, although many of the parameters of the background are not taken into account.
this study include several elements to finally give this result, in this study, preliminary issues have given answers that helped make these projections presidential quite sure if it was held that day.
A sample of tools or formulas used:


Chairman / new figure
• Power / opposition
• Five sites / Plan Augustine
• Controls political class in power / defends the middle class victim
Bourgois son / Mwana cited unusual
restricted Bling bling
Disconnect / Connect
• Bourgeoisie / Kinoiserie
• Franco / Anglophile / Francophile Lingala-
• Military / Civil
sports / sports / musician

Based on these few clues, given the mentality and timeliness of field these two personalities are a few points pre tied for first result of the first laps, and whether to afford to develop certain elements among those we list here is how to explain things, Joseph is the President, this position he has some popularity as well made Mukamba Augustine who forges his way and not very known to the general public, of course, especially across the interior of the country.
Kabila can weigh as head of the political class exercise to reassure the business continuity industry, it would motivate the troops to use their current positions already for not losing what they have, or may only be Mukamba Augustine hope to disappointment with the policy from Kabila's camp until its long-standing opponents, Kabila could be rejected by the evidence of accomplishments both personal and political action while Mukamba can embody the hope of a change in cape especially for little people who see themselves as victims of political Kabila at the same time, hope for the drawing lobbying Western economic disappointed by the present government following the opening to Asia Mukamba have more opportunities for the presentation of his congolité and kinoiserie see its path so that Kabila will be hard to defend even her or his kivusieri Kanganité quite sure that its course an open and direct two personalities would put Kabila in a bad position relative who is a great Mukamba debataire with a clear vision clear, a project he is co - author Kabila embodies the power that power is present or disavow both internationally and nationally, many sub-components to support the right of man, war , favored the arrest of political figures such as those perpetrated in the country, Mukamba embodies the great and the new opposition that is made today in a threat to the power and the current regime we include the Diaspora, a new political class in its reserve Kabila's departure time can not develop a direct speech and adapted as the big people could be seduced while Mukamba in its exercise of its dynamism Kinoiserie can directly appeal to the great people using their language and their daily lives; Kabila as the last echoes of the single candidate would leave in its movement while many big names both historical and emerging opposition of course, under these conditions, as will support Mukamba as opponent and change.
Of these, saying that the analysis can go far but already in sight these initial elements this imaginary projection can be totally wrong, because there are things that can determined the choice of the people. Also say that other candidates are not overlooked or underestimated, all things being equal we present this analysis. In the next section we will estimate project to see what might look like the political configuration of the DRC after the elections.



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