Sunday, December 26, 2010

Disneyworld Leather Bracelet


Mukamba Augustine, the man in the city, a model for the hopeless, politician reflections on mathematics, behavior Kinshasa pride of the lower class Congolese. like a thunderbolt here it is again on new land always provocative ideas, he's announced a new mathematical-political thesis finished by the conclusion that the trait of his candidacy presidential elections in 2011. What is this thesis, the leaders of banacité, it is easy to understand that it's just 1 against 1, equals 1, as 1 / 1 = 1, a clear two candidates after a power to stay with a single count by 9 cons cons 1 1 equals that is where the argument becomes more complicated in the sense that the political maturity and experience shows us that a large block very often poorly organized against a well organized the single tone wins. gold ask others abandoned in favor of itself is of political selfishness is sometimes also the dictatorship, patriotism leads to self-giving for others and the wisdom advises us to be the model on our recommendations to others, faithful to our tradition of realism we have taken the courage to set an example to withdraw our bid in order to make others understand that this behavior is possible, it is advantageous and nice if our ambitions are truly patriotic and general interest. This behavior does not remove us, on the contrary it will allow us to put around a table in order to dot the i's for a common agenda, a strategy common designation of a name or a person in the head. that's why, when our support in the process, there is, and remains, by cons about the person we promise not necessarily popular support, but reflects and supports useful.
for the year 2011, we engage in the fight against poverty b, by the impulse to innovation, self-consideration and support to companies to clean up the economic space. Plus details in this video.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lifetime Fitness Monthly Fee


"The blog is a short exile," said Plato. To which Socrates replied: "Shut up, go to your cave." Because, at the time, it did not bother to controversy.
End of blog.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ovarian Cyst Brown Spotting

How to respond politely to a proposal unsolicited commercial since we have nothing else to fuck? The male condition

- "Hi there! Do you want year
extraordinary future go up in earning money, & the recognition of all? "

- No thank you.

How Much Does Dialysis Tech Make?

Francis Bebey - "The male condition" (1975).

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dark Spots On Lcd Screen

Skate park

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mastrabating During School


The exhibition "La France Raymond Depardon " to BNF, a sort of inventory of documentary and ... well, of France, works for what I saw, like a large geo quiz. Photos (thirty large sizes) are not captioned, so you have to go hunting for information, nab the index in a corner, the sign on the road and what is inferred from the landscape to try to locate the correct reference and chopping the right place. France from above, from below? Northern, southern, middle? Sometimes there is something wrong:
- Here, I would say Marseille. But something is wrong. The mountains are so close, as usual.
is room for doubt: it's either Marseille with mountains close, it is not Marseille. Next photo.

Why Are People Posting # Numbers On Facebook

further I go the more I lose

How To Tie A Belt With Two Rings Step By Step


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Describe Pregnancy Discharge

all whores, except grandma

Lu Inrocks in this testimony in an article on rape called "When a girl says no, she does not think so":
"When grandma gets stung her bag hand in the street, nobody will ever question his attitude or his conduct or claim that it was somewhat willing. "

Again, always rehashing the obvious.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Press On Belly Button Tip Of Penis


Some political analysis made for some time by the observer of Congolese politics, taking account of developments and issues of the day, giving incumbent President Joseph Kabila of the DRC at shoulder to shoulder with the president of the third force and Bana spokesman quoted in the first all presidential elections, if it was yours in this time.
It should be noted that this is merely estimates for what is visible, although many of the parameters of the background are not taken into account.
this study include several elements to finally give this result, in this study, preliminary issues have given answers that helped make these projections presidential quite sure if it was held that day.
A sample of tools or formulas used:


Chairman / new figure
• Power / opposition
• Five sites / Plan Augustine
• Controls political class in power / defends the middle class victim
Bourgois son / Mwana cited unusual
restricted Bling bling
Disconnect / Connect
• Bourgeoisie / Kinoiserie
• Franco / Anglophile / Francophile Lingala-
• Military / Civil
sports / sports / musician

Based on these few clues, given the mentality and timeliness of field these two personalities are a few points pre tied for first result of the first laps, and whether to afford to develop certain elements among those we list here is how to explain things, Joseph is the President, this position he has some popularity as well made Mukamba Augustine who forges his way and not very known to the general public, of course, especially across the interior of the country.
Kabila can weigh as head of the political class exercise to reassure the business continuity industry, it would motivate the troops to use their current positions already for not losing what they have, or may only be Mukamba Augustine hope to disappointment with the policy from Kabila's camp until its long-standing opponents, Kabila could be rejected by the evidence of accomplishments both personal and political action while Mukamba can embody the hope of a change in cape especially for little people who see themselves as victims of political Kabila at the same time, hope for the drawing lobbying Western economic disappointed by the present government following the opening to Asia Mukamba have more opportunities for the presentation of his congolité and kinoiserie see its path so that Kabila will be hard to defend even her or his kivusieri Kanganité quite sure that its course an open and direct two personalities would put Kabila in a bad position relative who is a great Mukamba debataire with a clear vision clear, a project he is co - author Kabila embodies the power that power is present or disavow both internationally and nationally, many sub-components to support the right of man, war , favored the arrest of political figures such as those perpetrated in the country, Mukamba embodies the great and the new opposition that is made today in a threat to the power and the current regime we include the Diaspora, a new political class in its reserve Kabila's departure time can not develop a direct speech and adapted as the big people could be seduced while Mukamba in its exercise of its dynamism Kinoiserie can directly appeal to the great people using their language and their daily lives; Kabila as the last echoes of the single candidate would leave in its movement while many big names both historical and emerging opposition of course, under these conditions, as will support Mukamba as opponent and change.
Of these, saying that the analysis can go far but already in sight these initial elements this imaginary projection can be totally wrong, because there are things that can determined the choice of the people. Also say that other candidates are not overlooked or underestimated, all things being equal we present this analysis. In the next section we will estimate project to see what might look like the political configuration of the DRC after the elections.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Bad Dye Job At Salon Still Need To Pay


Some Congolese politicians have had to deal with wicked opposition from the Congolese diaspora as a band of thugs Kulun said, here is this opposition that continues to give the lesson of democracy in Kinshasa regime which seems not be interested, see minimizes Democratic Action led by the latter.
the democratic process which has involved the few political heavyweights of the Congolese diaspora continues to sound the weapon to the involvement of the diaspora consideration before the second card is applied: that of the rejected. must be noted that up to date Diaspora Congo is not only threatened but also hounded and challenged by the power of this observation and the political heavyweights want to make all the arrangements of the DR Congo has witnessed in the presence of the international community.
To recap, the first step to identify the presence consistée diaspora policy while making the proposal related to future elections, no official feedback, and this time here is the open letter to representatives of the people said the people's elected reporting reminder bell on the existence and power of the Congolese diaspora, the process is runs until all cards are exhausted then any map. Here
open letter to the attention of parliamentarians.


Switzerland /
United States of America:

Open Letter
the attention of parliamentarians from the Democratic Republic of Congo

In Care of:

Evariste Boshab
Honorable President of the National Assembly Hall of the People

Kinshasa, DR Congo Lingwala

Honorable Leon Kengo wa DONGO
President Senate Hall of the People

Kinshasa-DR Congo Lingwala

Copies for information:

- Mr. Joseph Kabila, President of the Republic;
- Mr. Adolphe Muzito, Prime Minister;
- President of the Court
of Appeals - Chairman of the State Council
- President of the Constitutional Court
- For the embassies of Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Spain, U.S., France, Great Britain , Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland in Kinshasa.

Honourable MPs and Senators,

hereby and perhaps for the first time we are candidates for the presidential election of 2011 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, you grasp in your quality of institutional representatives of the Congolese people, for you give our advice and recommendations regarding the electoral process in DRC.

Dear honorable, our approach is especially popular in developing the "guardrails" and guarantees that could create in the public imagination the DRC, a gateway to a great walking Congo is a real area worthy Republican rule of law and democracy.

Indeed, from the forthcoming elections in 2011, is our ardent desire to see our efforts today will deliver a presidential term of office 2011-2016, which is non-controversial, peaceful, transparent and sound recognition all our people the true source and the emanation of all power.

However, our approach is similar to that citizen stone laid on the foundation of our young democracy, and is also to be loud and dignity of our people, and pride in our institutions that are exempt from any blame, the under international opinion.

Therefore, given the constitutional provisions in Articles 23 and 27, which grant freedom of expression to any person the right to submit a petition individually or collectively to the public authority, we would especially draw your attention to the following questions, and on the organization of future elections.

1. As the Congolese living abroad.

Under Article 11 of our Constitution, there is no way to exclude a certain category of the Congolese people under the pretext that they are outside national territory, as Article aroused states that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. However, the enjoyment of political rights is recognized only to the Congolese, with the exceptions established by law." And Article 12 of the Constitution, it is also stipulated that "All Congolese are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the laws."

To reinforce this political thought, Article 50 of our Constitution, in paragraph a, states that "the State protects the lawful rights and interests of the Congolese who are both inside and outside the country. "

is also why, in any event, we want to forcefully power in Kinshasa, to ensure compliance with the application of Article 66 of our Constitution, which declares that: "All Congolese have the duty to respect and treat their fellow citizens without any discrimination and maintain relationships with them that safeguard, promote and strengthen national unity, respect and mutual tolerance. It has also the duty of preserving and strengthening national solidarity, particularly when it is threatened. "

2. As for press freedom

Our Constitution, in Article 24, guarantees everyone the right to information. Political parties that contribute to the exercise of suffrage, the strengthening of national consciousness and civic education (Article 6) also have right of access to audiovisual and print media of State. Please note also our desire to enjoy our constitutional privilege of a fair, with these utilities, as well as all political and social movements that engage in the campaign or in the civic and political education in our country .

is also why we ask the opening by the granting of a terrestrial signal capture, the media in the diaspora and those based in the DRC, so as to inform our people, inside and outside the country on general information, under the constitutional provisions mentioned above.

3. As for the Independent National Electoral Commission

To remove any democracy Congolese crisis unconstitutional due to the fact posed by recent acts of the CIS, and to avoid serious constitutional and legal vacuum in this country for any voluntary vacancy Presidential Position in our country, we ask that the law, kindly introduce illico urgent by an organic law, the spirit of laws related to Article 211, paragraph a, of our Constitution which states that: "It is established an Independent National Electoral Commission has legal personality. The Independent National Electoral Commission is responsible for organizing the electoral process, including voter registration, maintaining the electoral register, of voting, counting and of any referendum. ... .. "

For lots more information, please find attached our previous paper on condition that our participation in the presidential election and the validity of election results.

Hoping to have your citizenship and your concern for the dignity of the Congolese people, please accept, Honourable Members and Senators to express our patriotic feelings.

for the collective of Congolese Democrats (CDM)

• • Dr. Augustine Mukamba
Mboyo Ndombo Bent
• Hubert Gaspar LONS KOKO

Done at Geneva on .01./Novembre/2010 ..


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Autoimmune Liver Disease Symptoms

A good day to die

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

People Posting Numbes On Facebook

The air is fresh and yet something as if scolding

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lotiony Cervical Mucous Before Period


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Herpes Vs Pimple Ingrown Hair


Images Of Waxing Hand


nowadays a certain distrust especially political front men is about to be developed on the question of identity; Mukamba Augustine chose to do the French expression that said, charity begins at home.
Chairman of the 3rd Force, leader and candidate in Banacité 2011 presidential DRCONGO has traced the history of his tribe, the origins, customs, see the geography of these ancestors point of motivation this gesture is that this reflection is to understand that development and national unity through strengthening local thnique, community etc ...
is no need to comment too follow there for everyone so in three languages, Kisuku, Lingala and French.


Where Are Glory Holes In Oc?


A scene not like everyday, exceptional courage and action unprecedented in the fields of politics, we even say that this is a first unofficial approach Congolese politicians and s address men in uniform and that person who dares this is his best AUGUSTINE Mukamba leader Bana city and President of the Third Force.
caring for the conditions and treatment of this layer of people, then active and strategic for the country, the President was pleased to send them a message of respect, recognition, encouragement and motivation as an exhortation brief senior officers, junior commissioned officer and all battalions of the units that compose the Congolese armed forces.
In his address, the president honor and praise the efforts and determination of military Congolese in the commitment and the pursuit of saving the national flag against the invaders, he also encouraged his soldiers by reminding them of their role in the life of a particular country on the DRC and its current situation. this behavior by the model is now running for politicians change their looks meet a soldier who has not the duty, which also requires a consideration for the performance but the soldier has the right as a citizen and supporter of others.
the soldier deserves a customized treatment given his commitment, courage and sacrifice everything, being Augustine developed his excellence Mukamba wants to address his peers on their politicians to look the man in uniform is not there to serve but also deserves to be served and the work and how it related to the means that their are arranged.
details in the images and message of the leader.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How To Build Calluses

The city is decorated rooms

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Extraction Of Oils From Carum,cardamom


Radio Shack Usb Sata Adaptar
