Saturday, April 18, 2009

Issues With Sixtyforce Pokemon Snap


25 major teachers of the Hospitals of Paris denounced the reform project that confuses Roselyne Bachelot, according to them, health and profitability.
"In 1958, they wrote, the great reform carried out by Professor Debre would allow the medicine to become French in 30 years" the best in the world. " Fifty years later, Parliament Will it pass the law "Bachelot" which carries with it the disappearance of hospital medicine in favor of a mercantile medicine? The key word is more health, but the bottom line. "
" Let's be clear, they add to end. If this law is not amended, it will operate without us, physicians and surgeons of the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. Tomorrow, side by side, and for the first time, nurses, hospital workers and administrative staff, physicians will be on the street. [...] There is still time and it is urgent to organize the Estates General Public Hospital. "

A feeling of deja vu?

During the "holiday":
- Wednesdays: 17h-20h Round infinite obstinate in Poitiers. Let us many, over time, stubbornness pays.
- April 28: national demonstration converged with the National Coordination of Defence Universities and Public Hospital.
- May 1: 10am Place d'Armes, Round infinite obstinate the nursery school to university to warm up before our first unit in May at 11am.


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