Monday, November 5, 2007

Doujinshi De Roshi En Español


have a sample letter of intent is good but it's better to have the course is not it?
is a document written by one third to one creditor to express its intention to support the debtor.
Synonyms: comfort letter, sponsorship letter, letter of sponsorship.

The letter of intent is often used in business between the parent and its subsidiaries. It is a guarantee for compensation as an obligation of means to that result.

- Order of March 23, 2006
- Section 2322 of the Civil Code which states: "The letter of intent is the commitment to do or didn't do that for the support provided to a debtor in the fulfilling its obligation to the creditor. His show

- a firm and precise contract. Acceptance may be tacit or explicit.
As a society, the representative of the latter must have prior authorization of the board of directors and supervisory subscribe to it.
- Item: guaranteed payment to the creditor

Its effects:
- if the author of the letter of intent was signed for an obligation of means, it shall comply with all appropriate means to deploy and appropriate to pay the debt.
- If the author of the letter of intent signed for an outcome, it must do everything in its power to settle the debt.
Failure to pay the debt, is the creditor to prove the fault of the debtor's letter showing the causal link between the non-payment of debt and the attitude of the author of the letter.

Possible remedies:
comfort (author of the letter) has three possible remedies:
- personal, natural remedy against the debtor guaranteed
- subrogation
- an action based on the business management When comfort has wanted to act for the secured debtor without having received a mandate it.


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