Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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As we started to the called party for a while there Mokonzi Banacité which is the third force in the country and who comes and prepares to become the leading force in the DRC and that all plans, and Seeing and say it out loud already starting the demographic they represent 70% of the Congolese population dispersed across various organizational structure see movement but who understood that for a cause that is their masks are dropped in favor of reality.
Mukamba Augustine after announcing the withdrawal of his candidacy, is found very strengthened politically because he and his followers that the political fate of the DRC in future issues, not only their forces are organized and grow but also emerges clearly for the revolutionary leadership making power to the true owner to know the people who found predominantly in the one of those that call BANA CITE.
the first warning is issued in the camps where the opposition denounces Mukamba repositionnementt policy of certain personalities for fear of light on their history and inconsistency in the new vision of Africa and Congo, this document appear in the future days to demonstrate the first phase of the strategy put in place to walk to victory.
on the second point Mukamba urges all Congolese opposition such as the power to review the great promise of this parliamentary election that is the unit of the five Building without looking for other items that may justified the need an alternative desired and expected by not only the Congolese, but the whole world is trapped in the rear with the DRC, this promises a great Mukamba Public decortication of the unit of measurement.
nevertheless invites Mukamba Bana city has enlisted massively because we do not want a victory but a victory but negotiated and clear and the people at all levels. Mukamba call the Congolese diaspora to get involved and play a leading role because the first question in the dysfunction of the current legislature is them. vigilance is needed at all levels, involvement of all is mandatory and highly desired, finish the political discourse over the clientelism, the people must enjoy and exercise the power because everyone has some responsibility for this country.
Mukamba supports all efforts made to start and another to achieve the victory that was strictly forbidden to all those who hinder good works to emerge. it is time for the Congolese for their real take hand.