Sunday, December 26, 2010

Disneyworld Leather Bracelet


Mukamba Augustine, the man in the city, a model for the hopeless, politician reflections on mathematics, behavior Kinshasa pride of the lower class Congolese. like a thunderbolt here it is again on new land always provocative ideas, he's announced a new mathematical-political thesis finished by the conclusion that the trait of his candidacy presidential elections in 2011. What is this thesis, the leaders of banacité, it is easy to understand that it's just 1 against 1, equals 1, as 1 / 1 = 1, a clear two candidates after a power to stay with a single count by 9 cons cons 1 1 equals that is where the argument becomes more complicated in the sense that the political maturity and experience shows us that a large block very often poorly organized against a well organized the single tone wins. gold ask others abandoned in favor of itself is of political selfishness is sometimes also the dictatorship, patriotism leads to self-giving for others and the wisdom advises us to be the model on our recommendations to others, faithful to our tradition of realism we have taken the courage to set an example to withdraw our bid in order to make others understand that this behavior is possible, it is advantageous and nice if our ambitions are truly patriotic and general interest. This behavior does not remove us, on the contrary it will allow us to put around a table in order to dot the i's for a common agenda, a strategy common designation of a name or a person in the head. that's why, when our support in the process, there is, and remains, by cons about the person we promise not necessarily popular support, but reflects and supports useful.
for the year 2011, we engage in the fight against poverty b, by the impulse to innovation, self-consideration and support to companies to clean up the economic space. Plus details in this video.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lifetime Fitness Monthly Fee


"The blog is a short exile," said Plato. To which Socrates replied: "Shut up, go to your cave." Because, at the time, it did not bother to controversy.
End of blog.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ovarian Cyst Brown Spotting

How to respond politely to a proposal unsolicited commercial since we have nothing else to fuck? The male condition

- "Hi there! Do you want year
extraordinary future go up in earning money, & the recognition of all? "

- No thank you.

How Much Does Dialysis Tech Make?

Francis Bebey - "The male condition" (1975).

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dark Spots On Lcd Screen

Skate park

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mastrabating During School


The exhibition "La France Raymond Depardon " to BNF, a sort of inventory of documentary and ... well, of France, works for what I saw, like a large geo quiz. Photos (thirty large sizes) are not captioned, so you have to go hunting for information, nab the index in a corner, the sign on the road and what is inferred from the landscape to try to locate the correct reference and chopping the right place. France from above, from below? Northern, southern, middle? Sometimes there is something wrong:
- Here, I would say Marseille. But something is wrong. The mountains are so close, as usual.
is room for doubt: it's either Marseille with mountains close, it is not Marseille. Next photo.

Why Are People Posting # Numbers On Facebook

further I go the more I lose

How To Tie A Belt With Two Rings Step By Step
