Monday, September 21, 2009

What Do Stroke Victims Feel


The congo our beloved great country suffers, he suffers from dust diseases Delinquency Juvenile said Kulun became an object of ascent for some time that there are families, men and women who suffer on this, some have given their opinion based on law enforcement.
Mukamba Mwana Augustine cited the first question in this situation has searched and found the cause because the real solution in this case is to treat the disease at source from which the proposition
Indeed here Catalog measures propositional Mr. Augustine Mukamba for consideration, development, promotion and protection of the family:
- Every family has the right to social protection, any attempt to dislocate, create a separate or poorly understood family home in the restricted zone must be denounced and punished severely by law (inheritance, unfounded accusation, etc.).
- Every parent is responsible for primary education and protection of her children;
- Any parent who has resigned without good reason of his responsibilities as a parent must be denounced and punished show judge;
- Any situation of incompetence, difficulty whatever its form, malaise beyond the family order is leading to the destabilization be terminated by the victim or concerned;
- Every Parent employee entitled to the financial or other arrangement with the employer as per capita dependent child;
- Creating a family background in either central or provincial government to support a family in a public way, funded by the work of youth Training and the companies or corporations;
- The education of children up to age 12 must be free and compulsory
- Obligation for all children juice has 12 years of age in good health and mental physical school;
- Easy access and free medical care (consultation) in public institutions health for children up to age 12 years;
- strictly forbidden to minors out after 22 hours in normal time and midnight vacancy except for a just and valid;
- Every child must be minor housed and can not remain without housing or non-housing, public or family;
- Creating and supporting programs and activities aimed at education, information and coaching youth in the media and in society;
- Creation centers of attraction for young people during weekends and holidays in every commune;
- Creation in the joint office social action aimed at supporting and assessing families in difficulty and problem, Creation of employment projects for young people in the dead time or inactivity;
- The creation of special brigades in municipalities with a mission to collaborate with said office for information, project monitoring and actions, etc.. ...
- Creating state store for selling products and need first base in the fields of education and sport throughout the municipalities.
- The establishment of a policy of family solidarity is mutual support for families;
- Accountability has or involvement heads of districts at the primary and central government at the national level run-time of these proposals say;
- These measures should be saying known to all and that any victim has the right to denounce the authorities close the primary to all national non-compliance.
Just to say that not everything has to be exchanged for cash to rebuild a country, because this catalog does not does not involve a fee for its design see its execution just the work of a patriot, an example of a politician committed to his country.
