Sunday, August 31, 2008

Top Stores That Have Layaway


No one can ignore the plight of Congolese time to know the insecurity that is raging in parts of the DRC creating a climate of mistrust and terror in the country.
unfortunately this behavior as an actor in agents of order and in a direct national army.
examples are further proof, the artist's death MBONG actor, the assassination of Vice President of the Provincial Assembly of Kinshasa Daniel BOTHETI and without citing the interior when the people saw the self-imposed curfew and forced .
any time but the big problem Punishment is not rather the motivations pushing these actions and this is the Mr. Augustine Mukamba of the city that gives some elements of reflection in order to find a better solution
among these, he proposes the release of the Army hands of politicians with a range of management,
develop activities within the army who may allow a self care facility to end its independence policies and that in order to enable him to carry out its activities be better to say its mission while maintaining its neutrality.
another track would be a redefinition of the mission and patches of the army is an army of militia character rotating to reduce the cost of it and make it as a development factor for the country.
note that the behavior displayed by the last time the military is largely due to ill-treatment inflicted upon them by those in power including non compliance with the commitment to their balances, and several non-welfare other element that makes men in uniform to turn the weapons against civilians.
of what can emerge from the direct responsibility of the power it would provide four (4) elements necessary to calm the situation, this will ensure
- housing military
- ensuring the schooling of their children;
-insure health coverage;
ensure balances.
these conditions can be met it would be a motivator for a strong army.
details in the interview