Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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As we started to the called party for a while there Mokonzi Banacité which is the third force in the country and who comes and prepares to become the leading force in the DRC and that all plans, and Seeing and say it out loud already starting the demographic they represent 70% of the Congolese population dispersed across various organizational structure see movement but who understood that for a cause that is their masks are dropped in favor of reality.
Mukamba Augustine after announcing the withdrawal of his candidacy, is found very strengthened politically because he and his followers that the political fate of the DRC in future issues, not only their forces are organized and grow but also emerges clearly for the revolutionary leadership making power to the true owner to know the people who found predominantly in the one of those that call BANA CITE.
the first warning is issued in the camps where the opposition denounces Mukamba repositionnementt policy of certain personalities for fear of light on their history and inconsistency in the new vision of Africa and Congo, this document appear in the future days to demonstrate the first phase of the strategy put in place to walk to victory.
on the second point Mukamba urges all Congolese opposition such as the power to review the great promise of this parliamentary election that is the unit of the five Building without looking for other items that may justified the need an alternative desired and expected by not only the Congolese, but the whole world is trapped in the rear with the DRC, this promises a great Mukamba Public decortication of the unit of measurement.
nevertheless invites Mukamba Bana city has enlisted massively because we do not want a victory but a victory but negotiated and clear and the people at all levels. Mukamba call the Congolese diaspora to get involved and play a leading role because the first question in the dysfunction of the current legislature is them. vigilance is needed at all levels, involvement of all is mandatory and highly desired, finish the political discourse over the clientelism, the people must enjoy and exercise the power because everyone has some responsibility for this country.
Mukamba supports all efforts made to start and another to achieve the victory that was strictly forbidden to all those who hinder good works to emerge. it is time for the Congolese for their real take hand.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Are People Posting Numbers On Their Facebook?


he had promised, here is again on the path, a path of democratic struggle, peaceful and intelligent. in its latest policy statement of 2010 he announced the withdrawal of his candidacy for the presidency of the republic but had also promised to remain present and especially to influence political issues of his country, as he explained so well that his withdrawal had nothing to reasons other than strengthening the process he has always wanted peace and democratic. Updated in here already in his new suit active politician, meeting with peers to initiate the first actions this year, without wanting to talk too much we'll let you be aware of these facts document the bottom of this page.
Mukamba for Augustine this is only the beginning of political maneuvers, and the battle at the moment is political-legal, at the same time is to test the opposition facing the people, the world and ruling on his maturity, intelligence and especially his inspirational ability. Mukamba encourages people to sign this petition and emphasized that this innovation will for the first time the Congolese diaspora in direct action on the political scene in a peaceful manner.
we can finish this part without talking about the will of the union of the opposition of this letter to the opposition.


Dear Brother and countryman,

We would like to draw your attention to the ongoing situation in our country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, on the draft of the GPA for the revision of Article 71 of the Constitution and electoral law - the objective being to impose presidential election in one round. We are aware of your struggle, as a major player in the opposition, for the triumph of democratic principles. Thus we have one thing in common: that which is to focus public affairs at the expense of personal interests.

is because we are very determined to fight to maintain the two-round presidential election we are writing to you because our approaches are similar, hoping to collectively the battle is to derail the plan concocted by the GPA. We therefore chose to sign the petition attached to this letter, which claims pursuant to section 278 of the Constitution, a referendum on the voting system relating to the election of the President of the Republic .

We believe that all opposition leaders must be involved in this effort to impose the will of the Congolese people to the GPA. This will be the best way to show public opinion both domestically and internationally, even before the election in November, the unpopularity of President Kabila.

Hoping to count on your participation in the initiative to collect at least 100,000 signatures for a referendum to maintain the two-round presidential election, please accept, dear brother and fellow , for our consideration.

For Collective of Congolese Democrats (CDC), Mukamba
Augustine, Francis Mboyo
Dr. Bent, Gaspard

Paris, January 15, 2011

here is the link to the petition


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To Keep A White Coat Clean


The following .

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Diffracts From A Crystal Of Table Salt

Mukamba Augustine proposes the formula 1 +2 for the Coast Ivory

The case of Côte d'Ivoire today can not leave indifferent no African . From the outset, let me emphasize that it is Ivorians only to recognize and submit to the international community their president through the electoral democratic process and legal if we must respect the sovereignty of this country. An international community that in reality only a handful of countries that are winning in international organizations in support of these countries. Reality, both in the past than today, shows us: organizations called "Development Support c 'ike those so-called" human rights "claim the right to submit an officer for the Coast Ivory ...

Given the current situation in Côte d'Ivoire, we would simply warn the current political leadership of Africa, especially those of black Africa, the destabilization of the Ivory Coast awaken the old demons of patriotism and nationalism Africa, a situation not helped the North-South relations in this century of globalization and globalization, with the alternative offered by emerging countries. A method that will push the youth to approach the old ideologies advocated by those who paid with their lives for Pan-Africanism. Given the fact we could now give harm to fathers of this movement?

The African leaders who are committed to the process of taking up arms against the Ivorian people realize they have that will bring in the youth of their own country? What about the case that this will create?

Why African leaders allow themselves to be dictated by their peers who are not even on the continent? When the African heads of state will decide on policies they north, the rise of the extreme right, on xhenophobie on countries without a government, on the financial crisis and who knows what else? At

internal problem, internal solution ; Africans have too entretuer the benefit of Western arms industries. It is time that the major ideologies in Africa conducted by Kouameh Nkroumah, Patrice Emery Lumumba, Robert Mugabe, dos Santos, Laurent-Desiré Kabila, Camara, Nelson Mandela and many others come true.

We suggest that the Ivorian leaders to prove to the face of the world they are mature and in control of their country by placing themselves around a table to talk face to face. We propose to form a national unity government by setting up three committees to which the commission socio - economic, political and financial commission, Coordination Commission and each of these committees are headed by one of the presidents, so the presidents Laurent Gbagbo, Alassane Ouattara and Konan Bedie. A government without a prime minister, also has a small team parity equal, this is simply to say that the exclusion of one of the presidents will destabilize the country.

Finally, we propose the establishment of a new electoral commission to organize parliamentary elections with a bi cameral parliament, a legislature for five years to prepare the free alternative representation of the current leaders. Mukamba Augustine, The Third Force